TPAs Can Make ALL the Difference in Your Business

What’s your plan to grow your restoration business? Is it to market more agents? Do you have a plan to reach plumbing contractors? Are you going to try pay-per-click? Perhaps you don’t have a plan at all. I am a successful restoration business coach. I help owners grow their businesses, and that’s why they call me … they want to grow their business and make more money.

Grow Your Business by Making Killer Profits on Flooring

Many contractors are afraid of flooring. They don’t like doing it, and so they walk away from it. They sub it out to local flooring contractors for little profit instead of learning how to make killer profits every time. Why are they afraid … why do they give it up … why do they accept low profits … because they haven’t figured out what it takes to make significant profits on flooring. The average cost for an insurance damage repair rebuild is approximately $10,000, and flooring typically represents nearly one-third of the total repair bill. Think of that, over $3,000 of charges for equipment, material, and labor for flooring. That’s a considerable percentage of the whole. If you give it away to a local retailer, you lose the single largest profit maker on the job.